Tag: Fiber

fall cocktails, skinny drinks, wanu, nutrition, fiber, vitamins, antioxidant, low calorie, sugar free

Kiwi-Cucumber Breeze

Tasty, refreshing and a low-calorie cocktail! One of my favorite go–to cocktails is gluten free vodka with WANU. This water is seriously ...

greek recipe, fava bean, puree, side dish, appetizer, fiber, healthy, santorini, family recipes, vegan, gluten free

Fava Bean Purèe

This is one of my favorite Greek recipes. Every summer, I go to a different island with my mom and ...

breakfast, brunch, vegetarian, bread, zucchini, veggie bread, gluten free, low carb, fiber

Zucchini Bread

This is my go-to-travel bread recipe. I ALWAYS bring my own food when I travel to avoid the crappy food ...

breakfast, gluten free, fiber, high fat, low carb, healthy, net carbs, avocado, protein, paleo

Avocado Baked Eggs

This is an easy and filling breakfast. Unlike most high-carb sugary fruits, avocados are loaded with healthy fats. They don't ...

fridge makeover, seafood, protein, fiber, greens, non gmo, clean eating, organic, vegetables, fruits, ingredients, kitchen, health

What’s In My Fridge?

Clients always ask me the same question: Nedi, What’s In Your Fridge? So I thought I’d take the time to ...

muesli, berries, oatmeal, breakfast, milk, honey, comfort, gluten free, dairy free, healthy, fiber

Beautiful Berry Muesli

The beauty of this beautiful bowl of muesli is that they are loaded with good for you super foods. Nina’s ...

smoothie, healthy, breakfast, green, vegan, gluten free

Spruce Pick Me Up

I can't go a day without a smoothie, and currently this is my go to! This green apple with ginger ...

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